Merit Badge Presentations
Here are some of my Powerpoint presentations for several Boy Scout Merit Badges. Please feel free to download, modify, share, etc.
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The Architecture Merit Badge presentation has set up for a classroom setting, spread out over three weeks.
The Indian Lore Merit Badge presentation was set up for two sessions. I live in southwestern Ohio which was once part of the Miami Purchase of the Northwest Territory. The local tribes that the American settlers would have interacted with would have been the Miami or the Shawnee. The information in this presentation is about the Shawnee and some of the gaps has been filled in with information from other Algonquin speaking tribes.
The following Bird Study Merit Badge presentation was based on a presentation created by the Plainsboro Preserve of New Jersey Audubon.
It has been mostly modified to reflect the common birds found in Ohio. |
The following Painting Merit Badge presentation was found online and was created for the Northwest Georgia Council, BSA.
I've included it here since I've used it and found it very thorough. |